VolleyBall Spot
We both love playing volleyball. Especially two's beach volleyball together. Enjoy a slideshow of a Carpe Diem coed beach vb tournament at the Holland State Park in 2008. Thanks to Chris Armstrong for taking these pics!
1st in B-Bronze July 13, 2008 - 19 Teams
1st in B-Silver July 27, 2008 - 21 Teams
1st in B July 27, 2014 - 7 Teams
1st in B August 13, 2017 - 5 Teams (Time for A)
(Slideshow should appear momentarily...)
We were crazy and decided to put a complete beach volleyball court in our back yard (by hand). We thought it wouldn't be too hard since we had lots of beach sand under our thin layer of top soil. It was a lot of work and we added terracing for some of Shannon's best perennial beds. See part 1 (2006) and part 2 (2007) below. Now we have wood chips and green houses on the court because we decided we weren't using it enough and wanted more space for our expanding gardening. Go figure!