Programming Spot

Timothy's daytime job has been a programmer for many years.

"I have done a lot of programming over the years and work for BC Computing, Inc. I have also started learning how to program for the Android platform and have a few apps released on Google Play. I have done several websites over the years and figured I might as well use this talent (experience) God has given me and created this website for His glory. This website was mostly done in a notepad clone as I prefer the control and simplicity of using notepad without the large file size overhead of some web development programs. Some of the programs I used in the creation of this site include Microsoft Expression Web, Visual Studio .Net, Metapad, and for graphics: Multiple Image Resizer .Net, and Gimp."

Privacy Policy I do not collect any information for any purposes from any of my Android or Windows Store apps. If you wish to contact me for any reason, all communication will be kept confidential.

Programming Links

BC Computing Website

Android Apps on Google Play

Windows Store apps: Garden Time and Wisdom For Today Another website I created and maintain