Stewardship Spot

Stewardship is very important to us because it is important to God how we take care of His creation. We have spent much time and effort developing a presentation and collecting resources for you to help you be a better steward. Check out our links below for more information. If you would like us to do a PowerPoint slide presentation for you or your group and are close to our area, let us know.

Remember: God Owns Everything! Are we being good stewards?

Stewardship Spot Links

Resources Links to various stewardship resources

GMOs Stewardship In Food link resources

Taskey Program. A free program for windows operating system that I created which we use to help us be better stewards and keep track of tasks and other things.

Stewardship 101 A program I created and we use to help us keep track of things and be a better steward. For Android devices, available in a free lite version and a full version.

Stewardship Presentation Watch our full presentation on YouTube of "Life Stewardship From A Biblical Perspective." (Learning ways to take care of God's planet one choice at a time.)

Stewardship PowerPoint PDF Slides from the presentation.